Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fake Bread

It is the day i realized that what we see with our own eyes are not true but veiled to hide the bitter reality unless we open up our eyes. It is my everyday routine that I get into an auto and reach my bus stop to get my bus but its not often that my eyes and mind are open during these trips. when it did, It was a shock. I noticed something that I have never bothered to take a look at ,It was an extremely difficult sight to behold and I pray desperately that there is nothing wrong with my eyes for the scene tore a piece of my heart. Let me put this straight about it, the platform was filled with beggars and you may ask, what is so special about it and it is a day to day sight for we live in the country were rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer everyday. My point here is that each and everyone were handicaps. Their hands and legs are broken and mended improperly, almost fitting the requirement for the odd job that they were doing. Am I wrong to think that, its not the hands of the creator but some cheap people who are desperate enough to hurt people for their own fill? From where do they get fresh bandages daily when they beg for their daily bread?  I wish I am blind to this world but its a shame that I am not!!!


Sunday, August 5, 2012


                                       The Open Closet

It was dark inside, darker than the womb I stayed for a good nine months. I was scared, suffocated and the trauma was unbearable. The chains that I was bound with was rusty and the whips used were brutal.

Nine months inside the womb and nineteen years inside the closet, We are bound to come out of it either dead or alive. My soul had enough of it that it burst out of the closet. My closet is open now and forever.

I am proud of my open closet for the world can see me as what I am.
I am gay and I am proud!

I dedicate this piece to my uncle and aunt who supported me when I came out of my closet :)