Wednesday, October 31, 2012


             Once upon a time there lived a peasant and his wife who lived in a village. Many years passed but they had no children of their own and their life without a child was all sad and  empty. They mourned at their fate and longed for a child. One day when they both were sleeping, an angel appeared in their dream bringing the news that they soon will be blessed with a baby boy who will be sad all the time and the angel disappeared. The next morning the peasants cow gave birth to a calf but to his surprise it was not a calf but a handsome baby boy. Both the peasant and his wife were overjoyed on seeing the baby boy and took him as their own child. They named the baby boy Thomas. Years passed and Thomas became sadder every day. His sadness grew larger that he felt his heart would burst at anytime. The peasant and his wife loved Thomas more than anything in this world and soon they began to worry about their wards sadness and they decided to send him to his uncle James who worked in the royal palace as the royal clown and they thought that his funny behavior will change Thomas’s sadness. On reaching the royal palace, Thomas was dumbstruck at the beauty of the palace and its garden but was sad all the time. His uncle lived in the staff quarters near the royal garden with the other staffs of the palace. Thomas, though sad all the time was exceptionally handsome in the whole kingdom. Thomas never spent his time with any lady and he grew sadder about  thinking about his sadness. He always felt that he is missing something in his life. One day when Thomas was siting in the garden thinking about his sadness, the prince noticed him through his bed room window.  The prince who never came out of his room from the time of his birth was also sad all the time. On seeing Thomas from his window he felt something in his heart, a feeling which he had never felt before in his lifetime. For the first time in his lifetime he came out of his room to visit Thomas but he reached the spot, Thomas was not there and again grief filled his heart. When the king learned about the prince leaving his room he became overwhelmed with joy and decided to arrange a ball. The next day when Thomas again visited the garden he was surprised to see the prince already waiting for him. The prince, on seeing Thomas again felt the feeling in his heart and Thomas felt the same for the first time. They looked into each others eyes for a real longtime. Both never wanted to blink. Later the prince took Thomas to the palace to make him live with him. But the king never liked the prince having a peasants company. Months passed and the bond grew strong between Thomas and the prince. They both felt no sadness when they were together. When it was time for the ball the prince denied dancing with anyone else, the king who now turned on with rage ordered to stab Thomas's heart. When the prince came to know about it rushed to Thomas but only to see him with a stabbed heart. On seeing the sight his heart burst into pieces and a part of it fell into Thomas’s chest and it started beating. Both Thomas and the price felt great joy but there was no sadness at all. The prince kissed Thomas and hugged him and they felt that they were all sad only to live a happy life together. They went to the king’s court and declared their wish to marry each other. The news shocked the king and the courtiers and the rest of the people who were present there. The king at once ordered to expel both the prince and Thomas. But then an angel from the heaven appeared in-front of the king and gave the message from the god that “Never break true love as love has no boundaries. Thomas and the prince were  born only to love each other and it can never be changed and let them live as a couple and you shall be rewarded”. Later the king agreed upon the wedding and the wedding took place in the church in front of the king and the people of the kingdom. They were all happy that their prince will be no more sad and there was love everywhere. Hatred was banished from their lands. Both the prince and Thomas lived their life happily as a couple ever after.