Tuesday, April 17, 2012


 It was just another burning day in that hot summer. Mother earth was greedy too for the water on her ground and there was nothing we could see green and the sun was burning red sucking the moisture from the air. The animals and birds became desperate for the blessed rain, their days were dark that the ponds dried and lakes vanished from the face of the earth.
In a dark time like this, in the giant oak tree lived a family of little birds. The mother bird become so distraught that she couldn't find any food from her travel towards west and so she charged towards the east to search for any game to feed her wards. The two little baby birds were so worried for their mommy and were a little scared to spend the entire day alone in their abode.
By the grace of the god, the elderly owl visited them and offered them to take care of them for that day. The old coot, may be a little blind but the best of the tale tellers in the entire west. Two little birdies were so worried and sad that the old owl took pity for them and volunteered to tell them a tale, a tale of “The angel of the east”.
The old coot began the tale, Bless her, the angel of the east for she is the proud owner of the purest of heart, the one who owned the humblest of souls. Bless her, thy name is Sarah. "What a pretty name it is!", exclaimed the little bird cheerfully. The old coot continued the tale. Sarah, the seventh and the last born of her parents lived in the woods.
Even though she was a little girl, her wisdom was beyond the ages. Being the part of a very big family, her meals were of minimal quantity. She loved the animals of the woods as her own that she always shared the meals with them. Bless her heart!, she gives away her daily bread some days for she couldn't let her friends perish of hunger. Never once she failed to fill the bowls for the birds with water. The animals and the birds loved her very dearly.

It was the day, god came down to earth to check upon the living. When he entered the east, he heard the sweetest of melodies, the birds were singing. He listened carefully for the words of the song. The song was ,"Bless her, the holy angel of the east. the one with the purest of heart". The god wondered about this mysterious angel of the east and called upon his angels to enquire about it. 

The angels replied, "My lord!, there was no one among us who go by that name". The god became so curious to meet this mysterious person. He decided to go and meet the angel in person disguised as a beggar. When he went there, she was feeding the half of her daily bread to the animals,. Fascinated by that sight, the god tried to test her. Already disguised as a beggar, he went to her and asked her for anything to fill his empty stomach. Sarah gave him the rest of her bread without a second thought.

By now, the god was very much fascinated and left for the heavens. He took the book of angels and with the Pleasant smile wrote down the name Sarah in the book. The next morning Sarah woke up with a pair of beautiful wings and a white glittering gown. She entered the woods with her wings for the first time. The animals and the birds became so happy that their Sarah has really become the angel of the east.

She invited the spring as her first guest as an angel and the hot summer was gone. The woods prospered and everyone lived happily ever after. When the old coot finished the story, It was already sun down and the mother bird had arrived with fresh bread slices
from the angel of the east. The two little birds thanked the angel for their food and the old coot for the wonderful tale they have ever heard. Sarah invited the spring once again and
the happy times began. The end.

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